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Monday, March 15, 2010

Photo shoot, 6 months

this weekend we did a photo shoot for Brooklyn- we couldn't let her past 6 month without taking some shots to remember her with years from now. we had a great experience and even before seeing the final shots- we've talked about doing it every six months with her, and this photographer!! here's a sneak peek... and check out more of Erik's style of photography at 

she's pretty amazing, isn't she!

also this weekend, my mom-in-law, Gabi/Grammy/Mom moved to town!!! we're very excited she's here. and i have high hopes for her new adventure in the South!

as i type this blog, babygirl sleeps on my chest. we've been putting off sleep training while her first tooth broke through the gum. but now that's over, so we must begin.... i started today, with her afternoon nap. didn't happen. she decided she'd cry through the whole thing & basically skip the nap. tried for her late nap.. same thing. ugh! this is gonna be hard!! soooooo- that's why she's napping on me now, figured she's gotta sleep! we'll try again soon!

on that note, any Moms out there have tips on how to ween babies off of my soothing techniques and get them soothing themselves to sleep???? (she wakes up All through the night and excepts ME to get her back to sleep!)


  1. HOW cute is that photo!! I am glad you'll have such sweet photos of her in the years to come. Can't wait to see you guys soon! xo

  2. pretty amazing?! omg, she's adorable! great photography, darling baby girl.

  3. That should be their web sites main photo! P, Brooklyn could be a baby model! I'm not just saying that!

  4. Cutest picture ever!! Love the hat!

  5. thanks all! Q- i've been looking into baby modeling but it seems it all happens in NY. gotta be at least 3 y.o. to get an agent here in Nash
