read here about my life as a mother, wife and jewelry creator. i appreciate comments. xoxoP

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Saturday, January 30, 2010

My First Blog

Day One Blog

so let me start my first blog by telling you i am a SAHM (stay at home mom) where my life revolves around my child. this is NOT how it always was... i met my husband when i was 22 yrs old. we married 6 years later, which was necessary so we could get to know each other inside and out, know how to act and react with each other, & know for certain that we could make it together thru thick and thin. we were able to share our "going out" time together, so when we got to our "staying in" phase of life, we didn't feel like we were missing out on anything. as the saying goes "been there, done that." there's much more to our story, of course, but that's a good start to preface my first blog....

my husband and i went out 2 nights ago- the first night out with a teenage bbsitter at our home with our 5 month old babygirl, Brooklyn. what an amazingly strange feeling it was. from hearing other peoples stories about leaving their child for the first time, you think- that won't be me! i won't be crazed. i won't go through
with the bbsitter, every last thing i can think of that my child likes, doesn't like, might like.. i won't feel the need to text/call/text/call again to make sure everything is okay at home. i won't cry on the way out for the night! *okay- for the record- i didn't do any of this!! but i can tell you the URGE to do these things was almost overwhelming!!! so scary! i mean- it's my child! i grew her! i pushed her out (30+ hours of labor! oh yeah. what tmi?) i spend night and day with Brooklyn, trying to figure out her every need... and now, i'm just supposed to hand her over to another person and say, here ya go- i'll be back around 10pm. it's crazy! but- I DID IT!! and let me tell you, it was aMazing! we went to see a great jam band at the Ryman. they put on a great show! ahhhh, to be out in the "real world" again. without a diaper bag stuffed full of everything! without spit up on my shirt! without the worry of a poopy diaper.

so, it was here, my night in the world outside of my living room , that i had the idea to start a blog. bc i was having all these new feelings and thoughts- new to me, not new to the universe- and i needed some way to express it all. i used to fancy myself a writer. in high school and beyond i would write to get my feelings out from deep within. i would write to figure out my next step in life. but its been years since i've written for or about myself. now, after all this time, it feels so good...

so, here it is, my FIRST BLOG! hope you enjoyed it. i hope for many more to come.